B12 injections can be a great way to boost your energy levels and improve your overall. Whether you're looking to increase your metabolism, improve your mood, or simply feel more alert and focused, B12 injections can help. Contact us today to learn more about this safe and effective treatment option.
What are vitamin B12 shots?
Vitamin B12 shots are a form of supplementation that contains a synthetic version of vitamin B12.
How long do vitamin B12 shots last?
How often a person will require shots depends on what is causing their B12 deficiency. Initially, a person may need B12 supplementation shots every day for around two weeks or until symptoms improve.
If the cause of a person’s B12 deficiency is their diet, they may not require further shots or only require them once or twice per year.
In cases where a chronic condition is causing a deficiency, people may require B12 shots around every 2 months.